The brief description of teen depression

Teenage is an essential part of one’s life. Here are the things you need to know about them and their “Mental health”

A teenager, or simply a  teen, is a person who falls within the ages of 13 to 19 years old. … Adolescence is the name for this transition period from childhood to adulthood. In this phase they experienced so many changes in them mentally and physically. They experienced embarrassing or awkward moments.

Social media, depression and teen life

Teen depression is a serious mental health problem that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest in activities. It affects how your teenager thinks, feels and behaves, and it can cause emotional, functional and physical problems. Although depression can occur at any time in life, symptoms may be different between teens and adults. Many factors increase the risk of developing or triggering teen depression , including: Having issues that negatively impact self-esteem, such as obesity, peer problems, long-term bullying or academic problems. Having been the victim or witness of violence, such as physical or sexual abuse. Depression symptoms can vary in severity, but changes in your teen’s emotions. Many times parents scold their children and used harsh tone to talk with them, this would make your child much annoying, depressed and lonely. They might feel lack of support. Other research has shown a connection between using a smartphone at bedtime and inadequate sleep — a typical characteristic of depression. Among other things, mobile phone screens emit a type of light that tricks the brain into thinking it’s morning. Cell phone usage badly affects mental health of adolescents and they look anxious, depressed and angry or sometimes commit suicide. The suicidal rate is increasing in this era. Some studies also showed a positive relation of cell phone addiction and physiological health.

Bad parenting

Most parents use their own upbringing as a blueprint for parenting, which is not recommended due to evolution of society and social environment. It is proven that certain practices of parenting are more harmful than they are beneficial to your child Most poor parenting may not be intentional, but this does not reduce it’s negative impact on the child. Some parents are not aware of the consequences of these actions and some might not even care. Bad parenting might stem from not knowing enough to be a better parent or from a general lack of apathy to learning the right way.Have an honest conversation with other parents and listen to any advice they might have. If there are any signs of the effects of poor parenting in your child, it might be best to consult a child psychologist

Causes of bad parenting

• If your child does something wrong and you reprimand or scold him excessively for the mistake, it can have a negative influence on your child. You might lose your patience and scold, yell, or even hit your child in front of others. This will have a serious impact on your child’s confidence, and the feeling of shame arising from this method of discipline will be hard to shake off

• You do not give your child hugs or say ‘I love you’ to your child often. This will make your child feel emotionally disconnected from you .Children need support, especially during stressful times like a performance at school or examinations. You could be more concerned about your work, and this might leave your child feeling anxious.

• Even you shouldn’t compare your child with others. Every children has different ability and different passion. Doing this they might lack confidence. Appreciate your child. Make them feel that you trust them and be frank with them. Comparison is one sign which can break their self esteem.

• Avoid using harsh tone while communicating between them. Doing this the child might not dare to share his personal feelings with you which can have many side effects on the child’s mental health. This would lead to a toxic relationship with the parents and child which can lead the child to take harmful decisions.

• Never say your child these things like, “We wish we would have an abortion” Or “We wish we would have no child” “You are worthless” For a child he starts believing in those things and feel pessimistic. These would never let them feel happy and better. You never know how much does it hurts and badly impacts on their mental health and so on his/her life.

Common depression traits

Even sometimes their phone habits increases. Many children don’t found any helping hand in the surrounding and so they try to share this things with someone who can relate to them and can listen to them socially. Often they do not have any bad intentions using phone all the time but this option isn’t good frequently. Children could fed up and could found some harmful things to stop their mental breakdown socially. Make time for the children. Talk with them. Listen to them. Stop judging them. Make them feel you’re with them.

Teens may show their pervasive sadness by wearing black clothes, writing poetry with morbid themes, or having praising sad and depressing music. They may cry for no apparent reason. Teens may feel that life is not worth living or worth the effort to even maintain their appearance or hygiene.

It may cause Frustration or feelings of anger, even over small matters Feeling hopeless or empty Irritable or annoyed mood. Trouble thinking, concentrating, making decisions and remembering things slowed thinking speaking or body Less attention to personal hygiene or appearance movements. Frequent complaints of unexplained body aches and headaches ,Low self-esteem

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